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Starting Sapphire/Web

Before you begin each tutorial, you should complete the following steps:

1. Create a directory for your project, then change directory into it. For example:
	% mkdir $HOME/tut1
	% cd $HOME/tut1
A directory name will be suggested for each project, so that you do not overwrite any directories installed by Sapphire.
2. If you have not already done so, set the SAPPHIRE environment variable:
C Shell: setenv SAPPHIRE sapphire_home

Bourne or Korn shell: SAPPHIRE sapphire_directory


where sapphire_home is the directory that contains the Sapphire distribution. You may want to include this command in your .cshrc or .profile file.
3. If you have not already done so, put $SAPPHIRE/bin in your path.
C Shell: set path=($path $SAPPHIRE/bin)

Bourne/Korn shell: PATH=$PATH:$SAPPHIRE/bin; export PATH

You may want to include this command in your .cshrc or .profile file.
4. If it is not currently started, start Sapphire/Web:
	$SAPPHIRE/bin/saweb.sh &
5. Start a Sapphire/Gateway, if one is not already started. See Chapter 4 in the Installation Guide for details.
Note: Some versions of some browsers will require you to click "Reload" to see the most current version of a WWW page. If you have modified project HTML documents, but your browser does not reflect this, try reloading the page.

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